marți, 21 aprilie 2015

Vanilla Music 0.9.42 Apk

Vanilla Music 0.9.42 Apk

Vanilla Music 0.9.42 Apk

Vanilla Music 0.9.42 Apk

Vanilla Music is a clean, simple and free (opensource) music player.

Features Vanilla Music 0.9.42 Apk:

* Opensource and adfree (GPLv3)

* Support for all common audio formats (MP3, OGG, FLAC, PCM)

* Tag based and folder based navigation

* Support for android playlists

* Gapless playback for OGG and FLAC (requires Android >= 4.1) and Replay Gain support

What’s New Vanilla Music 0.9.42 Apk :

* Added ‘play as next’ option

* Fixed some crashes

* Updated translations

Vanilla Music 0.9.42 Apk

Vanilla Music 0.9.42 Apk

Reviews :

“It plays music This app is wonderful. It plays music. All formats, all music. The UI is very nice while still putting functionality before appearance. It doesn’t have an EQ or video support because it is a music player. Please keep it that way!★★★★★”

“Fantastic and Simple Plays all my file types. I love the simple design and interface. Very good options and settings, things like ‘External output only’ are awesome. I’ve easily settled on this as my player of choice.★★★★★”

“Simple music player Nothing flashy, it plays music and does it well. Unlike the other ones in the play store, this does not come with a bunch of bloat you don’t need and it supports FLAC.★★★★★”

“Love this-Offline!! I don’t need trackers and such….definitely don’t need my music player to be online!★★★★★”

DOWNLOAD Vanilla Music 0.9.42 Apk : LINK

Vanilla Music 0.9.42 Apk

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